Troy Sample
Troy Retaining Wall Sample in Wellfleet on Cape Cod. Seeking Concave curved retaining wall at least 5 feet high for this piece.

Hittites: Biblical Builders
Biblical era Hittites built retaining walls with stones of Biblical Proportions. Check the bottom of the page for a photo of a remarkably e

Concord Stoneworks Fieldstone Boundry Wall
Fieldstone Walls. Cape Cod Stoneworks Blog.

Pre-Roman Stone Walls in Italy
Enormous, impeccably engineered stone walls built in Italy several thousand years ago.

Troy Retaining Wall Engineering
Remarkably Engineered Stone Retaining Walls built by the fabled Trojans in modern day Turkey.

Failed Stone Wall in Orleans, MA
Rock wall failure in Orleans, MA.

Sterling Stone Steppers in Brewster
This project in Brewster, MA on Cape Cod features a sterling stone stepper walkway set in mason sand and lime. The browns, tans, and...

Lanscape Masonry Failure, Harwich
Landscape Masonry gone wrong on Cape Cod. Failed bluestone retaining wall.

Historic Brewster and Dennis, MA Fieldstone Walls
Historic fieldstone walls in Brewster, MA and Dennis, MA on Cape Cod.

Cape Cod Stone Steps and Bluestone Stepper Walkway
Irregular bluestone stepping stones, granite steps, miniature dry natural stone retaining walls.